Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It was an amazing game

Blake has been on an in-door soccer team for the past
4 and a half months. It has been so much fun going to all his games
to watching him and his team.
They were a good team but never stayed consistent with the way they
they played the game. It took them a while to learn how to play as a team.
But this session they started to come around and really play
as a group. They started staying in their positions and
talking to each other to get the ball to the goal.
The Lions made it to the final 2 and played an amazing game.
They took it for the win 6-5 against a team that hadn't last
a game this session. It was a great game and the boys played hard. Blake
scored 3 of our 6 points so needless to say I was a very
proud Mommy. Yay Lions, you did an amazing job!

1 comment:

J'net said...

GO BLAKE!!! I know ALL about being the proud mommy!! Fun times!!!